1005 E. Pleasant Run Rd.
DeSoto, TX 75115
A Tax Organizer can facilitate the process of pulling together your tax information. This basic tax organizer is designed for new or returning clients, and allows you to enter your information right on the screen. You can then print the completed tax organizer and bring it to your appointment.
Get your up-to-date refund status.
If you're unable to pay your tax debt immediately, you may be eligible to apply for a monthly payment plan.
Get a record of your past tax returns, tax account information, wage and income transcripts, and more.
Welcome to the Client Area
with links and information just for you.
Need to submit or retrieve your documents securely? Skip a trip to the office!
Click the button above to access our Secure Client Portal to upload your tax documents to us, or to retrieve completed work and documents from us.
Have a questionÂ
or need more information?
Use the Request Information form to contact us.